Welcome to First Baptist, Oakboro! We are so glad you have taken some time to visit our website. What we hope you will see here is a glimpse of the incredible community we have. Located in the heart of downtown Oakboro, NC, First Baptist is a place you can not only call home, but where you will feel at home from the moment you walk in the door.

Because your time is precious, allow me to tell you a bit about our community and leave you to explore the rest of the site. At First Baptist, we are driven by three primary things. The first is that we love to worship together. We have an excellent choir and there’s just something special about raising our voices together to give our Lord the praise He is due. But, singing isn’t the only way we worship nor is our worship limited to the four walls of our worship center. We believe worship is a whole lifestyle that plays itself out in every corner of our lives whether at work, school, the store, or anywhere in between.

We also love to fellowship together. We think the church is not just a community, but a family. Families spend time with one another. They spend time with one another without any agenda except to enjoy each other. That’s something we value here at First Baptist. Whether it’s between Bible study and worship, gathering in homes around the community, or at The Gathering Place, our mid-week family meal on Wednesday nights, we are always up for doing what families do.

The last thing that defines our community here at First Baptist is service. We think that when Jesus called us to serve the least, last, and lost among us He meant what He said. As a result, we are always on the lookout for opportunities to put our faith to work by getting involved in bringing the practical worth of the Gospel to bear wherever God has placed us. Locally this includes an active involvement in the Oakboro community including a growing partnership with our neighbor the Oakboro STEM School. We partner regionally with the North Carolina Baptists on Mission to serve poor communities in the Appalachians as well as those affected by various natural disasters. We are also involved in various projects around the world.

All in all, First Baptist is a great place to call home. If you happen to be in our area soon, we would love to share our community with you in person. Thanks again for stopping by!


Pastor Jonathan